Technologies available for licensing
Portable, high throughput platform for rapid, one-pot, point-of-use screening of phage biobanks
We developed a high throughput, point-of-use platform technology that allows for packaging and stabilization of bacteriophage biobanks along with the detection biochemistry, enabling rapid (as fast as 30 min) susceptibility profiling for a bacterial isolate of interest in a one-pot format. Please see this page to learn more.

Turning biomolecules into 3D hierarchical wrinkled structures
invented a transformative method, free of heat and solvents, that allowed for the preservation of micro and nanostructure of biologics while inducing substrate wrinkling. A phage bioink was used to print soft phage microarrays with controllable size on prestressed polystyrene substrates. Subsequent substrate shrinkage induced 2D phage microarrays to fold into complex 3D flower-like structures. The functional phage microarray was demonstrated for its ability to detect Legionella bacteria from industrial water samples. Please see this page for more information.

Antibacterial phage hydrogels
created hierarchically structured hydrogels composed entirely of self-organized phage. These phage hydrogels retain the innate antimicrobial activity of free phage and in addition, they can return to its original state after being cut or sheared with minimal scarring (self-healing). These bioactive hydrogels also biodegrade and emit fluorescence, allowing non-destructive imaging. These simple and versatile hydrogel compositions can be utilized within a plethora of medical and environmental applications. Please see this page for more information.

Antimicrobial phage microgel sprays for bacterial control
We created a biomolecule-friendly, high-throughput method to synthesize sprayable phage microgels that are used as an effective preservation and high-load delivery method for phages to control the growth of microorganisms in food products and other biocontrol scenarios. The phage microgels offer targeted antimicrobial activity and have no impact to the taste, texture, and nutritional quality of food. Please see this page for more information.

Stabilization of biological and chemical species during pasteurization
We developed a multi-component system to protect biological and chemical species from degradation due to exposure to challenging conditions such as high/low temperatures. Please see this page for more information.

Phage-loaded Hydrogel Treatment for Bone and Implant Infections
We developed a phage-loaded injectable hydrogel treatment for osteomyelitis infections. The phages are delivered to the site of infection to treat the bacterial infection, while the hydrogel promotes bone tissue regeneration. Please see this page for more information.